Monday, September 17, 2012

New PC

My New PC Came! At least the i6 processor, Sniper RAM, power supply and Video card. Now waiting on the case and Motherboard.

Retro Gaming PSX

My hours have been down in Raptr lately, been having to stay close to mom while she goes through her chemo. But that doesn't mean I've not been gaming.

I've been retro-gaming using my trusty, beloved PSX with screen. My wife gave it to me a few years ago, before Amazon and the internet. She called every place in 50 miles, and when she found a TRU that had one last unit, she drove 40 miles each way at night in the blinding rain to get it for me. It was so touching I have revered the unit, much less the giver, ever since.

My games of choice are the good old original Diablo and for me the King of video games, Doom. Well, Final Doom this occasion. They told me at the game store that both those disks are pretty rare, so here is a testament to keeping, and taking care of your disks, young gamers.

Can you see my Raptr keeping watch while I game?