Friday, October 26, 2012

New Alma Sighting

I'm a bit of an Alma and F.E.A.R. series fan. The Tattoo usually give that away.

However, despite having played Origins several times, I came across and captured an image that I had never seen before today, thanks to my new PC "Inanna's Dirk".

This image is from the swimming pool at the beginning when you are attempting to secure Genevieve Aristide

It makes sense that its here, especially given the text, and Alma's interest in your character. It's just neat / appalling to me that I've never seen it before and it took a high power PC to bring it out for me. I'm reasonably sure you can see it on the X Box version, provided you have the settings right. But I have always enjoyed the game on darker settings and I'm pretty sure I have my TV set too dark to catch this very quick image.

Can any F.E.A.R. / X Box 360 players confirm?

Friday, October 19, 2012

A Special Thank You to the Raptr Community

I'm doing a few of these and hoping I remember everyone.

I wanted to say a special thank you to the Raptr Community for all the care and support we have received while my mom has battled for her life against Lung Cancer.

Tuesday is her last Chemo (Thank God Chemo is a #$%^!!!) and after she goes on maintenance drugs.o be

Also, thanks to the people who have checked on me to be sure I was not dead from my own condition lol.

I am still staying with her, but as reported I have a new Gaming PC and despite the crappy DSL here in the boondocks, I should be getting back up to speed with my snarky screenshots and all in short order.